Saturday, November 3, 2018

Week of November 5-9, 2018

Kindergarten News
**In Reading we will read the book Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman.  We will be discussing hibernation and will learn to differentiate between real and make believe.  The words we, my, and like will be reviewed. Watch for your new Family Times newsletter and phonics story to be sent home!  Continue to review ALL letters and sounds.  To celebrate our letter Cc for this week, we will all be our favorite Big, Red Dog—Clifford on Wednesday, November 7th.  **If possible students should try to wear a red shirt and Mrs. Potts will supply the big, red ears and black nose! J
**For Math we will finish Unit 6: Shapes and Solids.  Review 2D and 3D shapes.  Count number of sides and vertices(corners) and find items around your house that are different shapes!!
**We will be learning about OUR WORLD and will begin to learn about the upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving, for Social Studies.  We will work on answering the essential question, “Where do I live in the world?”.
**Daylight Savings Time ended on Sunday, November 4th.  **As the student handbook states, once the clocks change, students are NO longer able to wear shorts to school.  When the clocks move forward in spring then students can begin wearing shorts (weather permitting) to school again.  FALL BACK…SPRING FORWARD 
**The monthly PTO meeting will be held on Monday, November 5th @ 6:30 PM in the NSE cafeteria.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
**Scholastic book orders for this month are due by Friday, November 9th for anyone interested in ordering.  Orders can be placed online at or can be sent to school with your child!  **Make note if any orders are gifts for Christmas!
**REPORT CARDS WILL BE SENT HOME ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th.  Please sign and return the envelope, but keep the report card!  Keep in mind the report cards are standards-based.  Students were graded on the standards met by the end of Kindergarten, so if your child scored Below Basic or Basic he/she will have until the end of Kindergarten to become Proficient, which is the desired grade.  (At this point in time for Kindergarten, students are often being prompted and working on basic skills, and not yet ready for higher level thinking skills needed to be considered Advanced).  Proficient is our goal for mastery of concepts and skills.  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Mrs. Potts @ or 570-874-3661, Ext. 3245.
FYI:  The NS Student Council is sponsoring the Feed-a-Friend campaign in our school district.  The campaign will continue until Tuesday, November 13th.  We are collecting both non-perishable food and monetary donations to help less fortunate people in Schuylkill County enjoy a holiday dinner.  Student council representatives will be taking our donations to the Salvation Army in Pottsville on Wed. 11/14.
**Monday, November 5th will be Day 9—Physical Education so wear sneakers and gym attire on 11/5. 
THANK YOU TO ALL THE PARENTS & HELPERS WHO MADE THE FALL FESTIVAL FANTASTIC and to the parents who helped with the Halloween Parade & Party—It was SPOOK-TACULAR!

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