Saturday, May 9, 2015

Week of May 11-15, 2015

Kindergarten News
For Math we will be finishing up Topic 12 Measurement.  Students will be comparing length, height, weight, and capacities.  Please review daily work mats!
We will read our last Reading story in Unit 5. It is This is the Way We Go to School. It is a fiction story about children around the world.  The comprehension skill we will focus on with this story is drawing conclusions and we will work with the letter sounds /y/ and /kw/ for the letters Yy and Qq.  Watch for your new Family Times newsletter!  **Girls will finally get to be Queens for a day on Thursday, 5/14.
Monday, 5/11, the Reading teachers will begin the end-of-the-year testing with each Kindergarten child.  Children will need to write a dictated sentence or two, recognize, write, and give the sound of every letter of the alphabet, be able to provide a word that begins with every letter sound, and be able to write as many words correctly in 10 min.  Please review at home!!
**All library books need to be returned ASAP.  The library is now closed for borrowing new books. 
         All boys and girls have completed their DIBELS testing for this school year and Mrs. Potts is VERY PROUD of the improved scores!  (Scores will be sent home with the 4th marking period report cards.) Thank you to all the parents for your support and practice at home!
FYI:  Upcoming Events and Important Dates: 
Sunday, May 10thMother’s Day!                                                                                 
Tuesday, May 19thKindergarten Graduation @ 6:00 pm at the NS high school auditorium  **Students will be wearing caps and gowns and will NEED to wear a white collared shirt for the evening (not school)
Thursday, May 21stWedding of Q and U!  (**details will be sent home next week)
Monday, May 25thNO SCHOOL/ Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 26th  -- Field Trip to ZooAmerica In Hershey, PA
Wednesday, May 27thKindergarten May Positive Behavior Reward
Thursday, May 28thCarnival/ Fun Day
Friday, May 29thLast Day of School (EARLY DISMISSAL @ 11:45 am)
**Monday, May 11th is Day 4.  Students will need sneakers and gym attire on Tuesday, May 12th

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