Monday, April 20, 2015

Week of April 20-24, 2015

Kindergarten News
                For Reading we will continue with the next story in Unit 5 Trucks Roll!  It is a non-fiction, rhyming story and we will be talking about forms of transportation.  The comprehension skill we will focus on with this story is compare and contrast and we will work with the initial and medial short vowel sound /u/.  A new Family Times newsletter will be sent home on Monday.  Take time to practice sight word flashcards, especially what, said, and was!!
                In Math, we will be finishing Topic 10, Composing Numbers 11-19.   Practice making numbers 11-19 and continue to review addition and subtraction.  Next, we will be decomposing numbers 11 to 19 in Topic 11.  Take some time to review daily work mats.
                Wednesday, April 22nd is Earth day.  Earth day is a day to remember to take care of our planet by keeping it clean.  We will be talking about the environment and discussing the important rule that tells us to “reduce, reuse, and recycle” and how following this rule can make a difference!  Perhaps as a family you could plan a special project in your neighborhood!
                The last round of DIBELS testing will begin in two weeks.  Students will be tested on many of the same skills as they were at the mid-year testing.  Review blending sounds to read nonsense words and break words apart into the individual sounds, or phonemes and practice naming letters.  Try to improve speed and accuracy for a 1-minute time for each skill.  **Practice pages were sent home earlier this week!
                At the beginning of May the Reading teachers will test each child for an End-of-the-year Kindergarten test.  Children will need to write a dictated sentence or two, recognize, write and give the sound of every letter of the alphabet (both long and short vowels), be able to provide a word that begins with every letter of the alphabet (both long and short vowels), and be able to write as many words correctly in 10 minutes. (HINT:  word families provide lots of words.)  Please try at home to work on some of the areas to be tested to ensure that your child is fully prepared.
                Pink forms for the “Kindergarten Memories” DVD for graduation were sent home earlier in your child’s folder.  Please complete the “Permission” portion, and if interested, “DVD Order” portion with $10 CASH only/ per DVD.  All forms/orders are due by Friday, MAY 1st!  (**A yellow receipt will be sent for your cash payment)
                Pink Kindergarten Field Trip Permission Forms and Field Trip Lunch forms are to be returned as soon as possible.   Kindergarten will be going to ZooAmerica in Hershey on Tuesday, May 26th.  Students will need to either order a school lunch or bring a bagged lunch and drink.  All students need to wear the RED North Schuylkill shirt that they were given from PTO with dress code appropriate bottoms.  Sneakers are recommended!  No money is needed on the field trip!  Students must have the permission forms completed to attend the trip.
                Kindergarten Graduation will be held on May 19th @ 6:00 in the high school auditorium.  Please complete and return the Blue form (about the number of people attending) sent home earlier in your child’s folder as soon as possible.  **Specific details about parking, seating, etc. will be sent home closer to the date.
Students in Grades 3-6 will be taking the PSSA tests throughout the next 2 weeks.  Kindergarten’s schedule will be switched around.   There was an April calendar in your child’s KEEP last week noting the days there will be NON ROTATION /NO SPECIAL CLASSES (T-Th 4/21-4/23, and T-W 4/28-4/29).  Please talk to your child about being quiet while in the hallways during testing days!! 
Our class participated in the “A Child’s View” writing for the Republican-Herald newspaper.  The entries and a class photo are to be published in a supplement on Thursday, April 30th.  Students answered the question “What do you want to be when you grow up and why?”  Be sure to check this out!!
                Thank you to ALL who supported our class and school with the PTO Spring Fling Chinese Auction this past weekend.  It was a HUGE success!  Congratulations to Stephen Minahan for winning our class’ basket “A Night with the Family”. 
Monday, April 20th will be Day 4—ART class on the special classes’ schedule. **Students will need sneakers and gym attire on Friday, April 24th for gym class.  (**Note—there will be NO Special Classes on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. due to PSSA testing) 

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