Saturday, April 30, 2011

Week of May 2-6, 2011

Kindergarten News

  • This week in Phonics we will be learning the two sounds of digraph oo as in the words hook and tooth. Please review digraphs ck, sh, and voiced and unvoiced th. We will not have Show and Tell.

· For Reading we will start a new story titled, On The Move! It is an informational text by author Donna Latham. We will work with the letter sounds /v/ and /z/ and the comprehension skill, main idea. Watch for your new Family Times newsletter!

  • In Math we will be Comparing Heights and Lengths of objects, Sharing a Whole by separating it into 2 equal parts, Using objects to represent numbers to 20 and numbers to represent a set of objects, Measuring length using inches, and Identifying halves and fourths. We will continue to write numbers 11-30 correctly, tell time to the hour, add dots on dominoes, and draw pictures for addition and subtraction story problems. Please review daily practice pages!
  • The end of the year testing for kindergarten will begin soon. Each child will be tested by the Reading teachers. Children will need to write a dictated sentence, recognize, write, and give the sound of every letter of the alphabet, be able to provide a word that begins with every letter of the alphabet, and be able to write as many words correctly in 10 minutes (Hint: word families provide lots of words). Please try at home to work on some of the areas to be tested to ensure that your child is fully prepared.
  • The last Scholastic Book Order is due on Tuesday, May 10th for anyone interested in ordering this month. Thank you to all who have participated this year. Happy Reading!!!

Monday, May 2nd is Day 3 on the special classes’ schedule. (Students need gym attire and sneakers). Thursday is Library class, so do not forget library books for exchange!


Sunday, May 8thMother’s Day

Monday, May 23rd – Kindergarten Graduation @ HS 6:30 PM

Thursday, May 26th –Kindergarten Field Trip/Circus @ Giant Center, Hershey

Friday, May 27thCarnival Day @ NSE

Monday, May 30thMemorial Day/NO SCHOOL

Thursday, June 2ndLast Day of school/Early Dismissal @ 11:45