Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week of October 18-22, 2010

Kindergarten News

· This week we will be learning the consonant letter Pp as in pig, pink, and pumpkin, and to celebrate we will have a Pajama Party on Thursday, October 21st. Students are asked to wear their pajamas to school. Robes and slippers are optional, however we ask that students wear sneakers or shoes to school and change into slippers after they arrive (due to outside recess and possible inclement weather). **Keep in mind that pancakes and punch will be served in the morning so boys and girls need NOT eat a lot for breakfast—unless they do not like pancakes, then they should eat breakfast as usual. We will have Show & Tell for the letter Pp so take a peek around your house and pick something to share with the class.

· We will finish the story Julius and begin the story Dig, Dig, Digging in Reading. We will be talking about how machines help people. We will be practicing the sound /t/ and the skill classifying and categorizing. Watch for the new Family Times newsletter and continue to review the high frequency words; I, am, the, little, to, and a when your read together.

· A new Math newsletter is enclosed in your child’s folder. Take some time to read about our upcoming lessons and what skills to practice and work on at home. Continue to review the daily math practice pages as well.

· Monday, October 18th will be Picture Retake Day! Students who had been absent on the original picture day will be photographed. Picture envelopes for those students who were absent were sent home last week. Money is due at the time of photos! Anyone interested in picture retakes should dress for photos and return his/her complete photo packets on retake day. Don’t forget to wear a smile!!!

· On Friday, October 22nd students, teachers, and staff will take part in a Diabetes Walk @ the NSHS track. Information and collection envelopes were sent home last week in your child’s folder. Students should dress for walking outside. (Please check the weather and temperature and dress your child accordingly.) We will begin walking @ 2:30 and our goal is 30 minutes of walking!

· Since the end of the marking period is approaching we will begin testing of the 6 letters and sounds learned in phonics (Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt, and Pp), the high frequency words learned in Reading and in class (those listed above and also; love, my, of, and is), recognizing and producing rhyming words, copying, extending, and creating patterns, identifying the 4 basic shapes-square, triangle, circle, and rectangle, identifying and writing the numerals 0-10 and counting orally from 1-25.

· Thank you to all parents and/or grandparents who helped with the Kindergarten Fall Festival. Your time and efforts are GREATLY appreciated! It was a fun filled day for all! Congratulations to Olivia Little for guessing the exact weight of a pumpkin and for making our class the winner. We will try to carve it for Halloween!

· Students attended a Fire Prevention Program on Wednesday in the school gymnasium. Please take some time at home to discuss fire safety with your child and family. Be sure to have a practice fire drill, create an escape plan with a designated meeting place, and Be Cool About Fire Safety!

· Monday, October 18th will be Day 1 on the special classes’ schedule. **Students will need gym attire and sneakers on Wednesday, Oct. 20th and please pack library books for exchange on Thursday!