Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week of September 20-24, 2010

Kindergarten News

· This week in Phonics we will be learning the letter Gg and its sound as in goat. Please review the sounds /l/, /o/, and /g/ and how to write the letters we have already learned. We will have Show & Tell for Gg, so please follow your classroom schedule.

· On Monday, we will begin our 2nd Reading story Fix It Duck. We will be talking about helping each other, we will be learning to recognize the letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, and Nn, and we will introduce the comprehension skill: setting. Watch for your new Family Times newsletter to come home in your child’s folder. Continue to read at home, talk about story characters and setting, and recognize the letters from Aa-Nn, as well as the high frequency words I and am.

· In Math we will be counting to 10 with one-to-one correspondence, work with pattern blocks to create and cover designs, and sort objects by color. Students should continue to practice writing numbers 0-9 and sing the number writing verse for each number. **Please take some time to review the daily practice pages that your child brings home in his/her Keep side of the communication folder.

· Our theme for this week will be APPLES. Students are asked to bring in an apple on Monday, September 20th. The apple can be any size, color, or kind. Each day of the week we will use the apples for sorting, graphing, and/or tasting! We will end our study of apples by celebrating Johnny Appleseed’s birthday (Sept. 26th) on Friday, September 24th. Many apple activities have been planned. It should be a sweet week!

· ATTENTION: Anyone interested in helping with the upcoming Kindergarten Fall Festival is invited to a meeting in the NSE cafeteria at 2:00 pm on Monday September 20th. **The meeting may run until the end of the school day. The Fall Festival will be held on Thursday October 14th (rain date, Friday, October 15th.) If you are unable to make the meeting on 9/20/10, but want to help and/or participate at the Fall Festival, then please send a note to school with your contact information and it will be given to someone at the meeting.

· Students have been doing a terrific job with completing HOMEWORK and with bringing it back to school on time. Thank you to the parents for all your cooperation and support with homework!!!

· Parents please check folders daily and remove all “KEEP” items. It becomes difficult to handle folders with too many papers inside (both for the students and teachers). Thanks!!

· Monday will be Day 3 on the special classes’ schedule. Don’t forget gym attire and sneakers!!!

Have an Outstanding Weekend!